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Be Wild Be Beautiful &
Heal the Whole Woman

 Hi beautiful Lady,

              I’m so pleased you’re here.

                                        Pour yourself a cuppa, get comfy and let’s get to know each other.

Have you ever been the woman who hated looking in the mirror, despising who looked back at you, who dragged her feet out of bed every morning,  just moving through the motions, lugging a whole lot of mind crap with her into every situation, feeling as though you were on the treadmill, the road to nowhere, and that a fit, strong, vibrant and energetic body and mind was for other women but not you?


    Sound familiar?


                      Then we have a lot in common.


                                                      Because I was that woman.

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Rising with the Phoenix

A Journey of Healing


6 Steps to go from Trauma to Triumph

It took time for me to climb out of the black whole and spiral of habits and thought processes I had unconsciously picked up along the way that kept me blocked, stuck, sick, panicked and completely rung out to create a life that I actually wanted and secretly yearned for.


Which means these days I live every day from the heart. Joy and love have now come to stay, they don’t just come and go, I now dance with the fear, I don’t deny it. Even after all these years I still have a lot to learn. (I still get an occasional good swift kick up the butt from the universe!) and I love sharing these lessons with you through my book, readings and videos.


If we haven’t met before, I’m Anna and I am the heart to heart, straight talking, ignite your passions, butt-kicking, (with love of course), girl-friend you always wished for.


My mission is to help every woman to rebuild her health on not only a very physical but emotional level, to create a fulfilling life, worth celebrating, one that makes you get out bed excited for the day ahead and genuinely make you feel like the beautiful, wise and powerful being you are.


Because you know what? Keeping yourself stuck, heavy and small isn’t serving anyone, least of all you! How can you expect to thrive if you are just surviving?


The truth is - be wild, be beautiful, and you can heal the whole woman.


And you know those secret longings and visions you have for yourself? They may be to heal, to feel strong, physically and mentally, liberated, sexy, beautiful, and whole?  The ones you are almost too scared to ‘really’ want because you think they are for everyone else but not you? They are all possible, and they start with self-love….


Which means lovely lady they all start with YOU!


It is my dream that women, no matter what age, will wake up every morning thinking.....


“I am freaking amazing!”


Because guess what? Let me tell you - you are!


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