Specializing in Women's Health
Programs/Appointments with Anna
- Please contact Anna to discuss individual requirements
- The Busy Woman Session
- The Whole Woman Immersion Program
The Busy Woman Session
This compact yet concise session is a gem for the busy woman.
Stress incontinence, prolapse, chronic hip pain and menopause symptoms are so often treated as a disease and we are told this is just something that happens as we age. I am here to tell you they are not.
Prolapse and Stress incontinence is now a silent epidemic. Affecting so many women of all ages. Women in their 20’s are suffering from stress incontinence, (when you leak urine when you laugh, sneeze, cough or physical activity), having to wear pads in order for them to carry out their exercise regimes, and women even in their 40’s having to wear pads just to feel more secure to leave the house and carry out their daily activities.
It is so common now it is deemed ‘normal’. We are so often told, “This is just something that happens after you’ve had children, or when you get older”.
This is not something that has to be absolute! Continence is the birth right of every woman.
Chronic hip pain is prevalent in our society and hip replacements are sweeping across the western world at a rate of knots. It’s time we start to ask why, and how we can relieve pain and reverse the worsening and troublesome effects that robs us of our quality of life.
Menopause is not a disease that needs to be treated. It is a natural process that can rob a woman of her emotional, physical and mental wellbeing but only when the body is out of balance. The medical systems response to the menopausal change, surgical repairs and medications is hopelessly inadequate or worse, dangerous.
Even if you are suffering from these symptoms, they can be halted and even reversed. Our body is incredible in its ability to heal and change. As we gather the tools and knowledge, we start to take back control of our life in all areas.
Anna will hone in what it is that is troubling you and give you practical and evidence-based solutions to make the changes you need to not only halt your symptoms but even reverse them.
Your investment - $450.00 for the 3 hour Busy Woman Session. Payment due with booking.
This program is designed for women who have not undergone any hip surgery.
Victor Harbor is a great town to see and easy to get around. There lovely cafes and accommodation options, many, all in walking distance to each other. Come prepared to learn and drink in knowledge that you won’t find anywhere else.
It can be a life changing experience for you.
Anna Hamilton
look forward to seeing you soon,
Note - Client is responsible for all travel expenses, room, and board, other than the two lunches provided.
The Whole Woman Immersion Program
Video sessions are great, phone consultations can be convenient and more personal. But sometimes there is nothing quite like the hands- on help and reassurance you so often need to let you know you are on the right path. After all, if we don’t have our health, everything else pales in comparison.
When you are really ready to move forward, this two- day immersion is just what you need.
Prolapse and Stress incontinence is now a silent epidemic. Affecting so many women of all ages. Women in their 20’s are suffering from stress incontinence, (when you leak urine when you laugh, sneeze, cough or physical activity), having to wear pads in order for them to carry out their exercise regimes, and women even in their 40’s having to wear pads just to feel more secure to leave the house and carry out their daily activities.
It is so common now it is deemed ‘normal’. We are so often told,” This is just something that happens after you’ve had children, or when you get older”.
This is not something has to be absolute! Continence is the birth right of every woman.
Even if you are suffering from these symptoms, they can be halted and even reversed. Our body is incredible in it’s ability to heal and change. as we gather the tools and knowledge, we start to take back control of our life in all areas.
Our health is up to us, and once we gain the knowledge, we realize we can have a huge impact on our life.
Over the two days, one-on-one, I'll be observing your posture, gait, limitations, design specialized exercises, and explore the broader but essential issues of diet and lifestyle that can support or undermine pelvic organ health. I'll prepare you a home-made lunch each day to give you a taste (literally!) of pelvic organ protective diet that will help keep your digestive, immune system, and body healthy.
This two -day program is designed for women who have not undergone any hip surgery.
The two-day Whole Woman Immersion is $ 1700.00. Payment is due with booking. We start at 9.00am – 4.00pm.
Victor Harbor is a great town to see and easy to get around. There are many cafes and accommodation options, many, all in walking distance to each other.
Come prepared to learn and drink in knowledge that you won’t find anywhere else for two consecutive days. It will be a life changing experience for you.
Anna Hamilton
look forward to seeing you soon,
Note - Client is responsible for all travel expenses, room, and board, other than the two lunches provided.
